Look Who's 1.


Here is another one of our regular little visitors previously posted on our blog.
I love the image below of her and the ballons. Isn't that the cutest! I only wish I knew what she was thinking as she stared up at all those floating colors.

When all else fails...we bribe. :o) Mom brought along this little cutie's favorite snack...Cheerios. She sat there for the longest time munching and crunching as she would spill and pick up all the little cereal circles. These captured moments made the sweetest little portraits.
The image below is special to me. Over the last year, I've gotten to know this family fairly well. I've been so encouraged and impressed by how loving they are with their children. I feel this image accurately portrays the support, guidance, and love that they have for their children.
The image below is thus far my favorite "daddy-daughter" image. I'm sure you can see why. :o)
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